LED’s rise to popularity across the globe marked the fastest technology shift in human history, resulting in the relegation of Incandescent, CFL and halogen lamps to the back burner. Despite its dominance, LED has to confront numerous challenges to retain its title as the most preferred lighting source across the globe. LED might have conquered the past and the present, but it has to conquer the future too, so as to sustain a continued state of relevance. Despite its achievements, LED has to confront the fact that there will not always be a steady demand for light bulbs. Installations also last much longer while maintaining their quality of light. In a classic case of an advantage, turning into a shortcoming, LEDs last for as many as 50 years. In the light of these challenges, what is going to drive the future of LED lighting ? What does the future hold for LED? Intelligent controls and connectivity The vast majority of consumers might still be having simple needs with r...